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PDFill PDF Drawing: Rectangle, Circle and Basic Shape Tool
(See Example PDF and Example PDFill Project File  )

You can use this tool to draw rectangle, square, round corner, circle, ellipse, arc and pie, and more basic shapes into PDF document.

More Basic Shape Drawings include Isosceles Triangle, Right Triangle, Diamond, Pentagon, Hexagon, Left Arrow, Right Arrow, Up Arrow, Down Arrow, 4-Point Star, 5-Point Star, 6-Point Star, Rounded Rectangular Callout, Oval Callout, Cloud Callout, Heart, Lightning and Smiley Face.

You can change drawingıs Line Width, Dashed Style, Line Color, Fill Color and Transparency.

1. Steps on how to draw a Rectangle, Circle or Basic Shape on PDF Page:

or click Rectangle , Circle or Basic Shape Button in the Drawing Toolbar.

Click the Basic Types Button to show the menu and then select a basic shape

2. Access the properties:

3. Set the properties:

Here is the list of the properties.

Line Weight

The thickness of the line.

Line Color

The color for the line.

Line Dashed

There are 8 Dashed Styles: Solid, Round Dot, Square Dot, Dash, Dash Dot, Long Dash, Long Dash Dot, Long Dash Dot Dot

Fill Color

The background color inside the shape.


The rotation degree from 3 clock relative to the shape center.
Transparency The Transparency of the drawing object


If set, it will be a rectangle or square type

Corner Radius

If Set, the rectangle will have a round corner with the radius


If set, it will be a ellipse, circle type


If set, it will be not full 360 degree circle/ellipse


An edge will be drawn.

Start Angle

degree from 3 Clock

End Angle

degree in Anticlockwise direction
Basic Shapes Isosceles Triangle, Right Triangle, Diamond, Pentagon, Hexagon, Left Arrow, Right Arrow, Up Arrow, Down Arrow, 4-Point Star, 5-Point Star, 6-Point Star, Rounded Rectangular Callout, Oval Callout, Cloud Callout, Heart, Lightning and Smiley Face.

Position (Left, Right, Top, Bottom)

The X and Y coordinate of the box to define the position of the field.

Blend Mode Color Blend Mode for Rectangle or Circle. Please save into a new PDF to see the blending effect.

It will show on the Foreground or Background of the PDF document

PDF Layer

Select a PDF Layer name if it belongs to a PDF Layer. Make it empty if it doesn't belong to a PDF Layer. See details in PDF Layer.

Action: Add Link, Submit, JavaScript and more ...

See PDF Actions.

Set this field as default

If set, the new object will have the same properties as this one.

4. Screenshots:

Rectangle, Square, and Round Corner

Circle, Ellipse, Arc and Pie

More Basic Shapes

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